Milky Way in the region of Cassiopeia |
It has been a busy old year, what with working on Open University B.Sc Geoscience level 3, and having to hold down an ever more stressful job, hey that's life, and I have found time amongst all that to do a few stargazing sessions (when I could actually see them, which let's face it has not been all that often this summer). The standard of my imaging kit has gradually improved, and the investments are paying off. The milky way is a busy bit of the sky and we're in it. It's our neighborhood. So from bottom left say hello to some of the neighbors - Heart and Soul Nebula's, The Double Cluster, The Pacman Nebula, Cedarblad 214, and a bunch of other stuff. It was photographed from Chippy Airfield on a cloudless July night (One of the few). Below is the Cygnus section of the milky way taken on the same night. All in all a good night to say "Open Uni work, what Open uni work?"
Cygnus section of the Milky Way |
The neighbors in this one are the Elephants Trunk Nebula, the tiny Cocoon Nebula, the North America Nebula, the Pelican Nebula, the Butterfly Nebula, the Crescent Nebula, and the Veil nebula.